Effective Microbes (EM)
The photosynthetic bacteria are also known as photoautotrophs, The favorite species seems to be PNSB (Purple Non Sulfur Bacteria), Rhodopseudomonas and various Rhodobactor species. PNSB are the key leader for the EM family, Useful substances developed by these microbes include amino acids, nucleic acids, bioactive substances and sugars, all of which promote the ‘food’ for other microbes growth and development. They are called photoautotroph because they able to generate food not only for themselves but for others, by using sunlight as energy. What a generous species.
Lactic acid bacteria, the species of interest would be Lactobacillus casei, and Lactobacillus Acidophillus produce lactic acid from glucose made by photosynthetic bacteria and yeast. Therefore, some foods and drinks such as yogurt, vitagen, Kimchi, have been made with lactic acid bacteria for decades. These lactic acid bacteria are able to produce lactic acid, bacteriocin which were strong antibacterial compound, can suppress harmful micro organisms and enhances decomposition of organic matter.
Yeasts, the species of interest – Saccharomyces cerevisiae perhaps is the most useful yeast, having been instrumental to winemaking, baking and brewing since ancient times. It synthesizes antimicrobial and other useful substances required for plant growth from amino acids and sugars secreted by photosynthetic bacteria, organic matter and plant roots. The bioactive substances such as hormones and enzymes produced by yeasts promote active cell and root division. These secretions are also useful substrates for effective microbes such as lactic acid bacteria and actinomycetes.
Nowadays, there are now many manufacturers of EM like inoculants. Some of the best available have the proper balance of LAS, PNSB and yeast for the region they are prepared in.
Originally, EM was developed for use in agriculture (crop farming) as an alternative to agricultural chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers. EM however is not a conventional fertilizer and unlike the purpose of fertilizers, the purpose of EM is to increase the number of beneficial micro organisms in the soil. This improves the soil’s microbial health and promotes a healthy environment for plants. It can also be used as a processing tool to manufacture organic fertilizers. There are billions of microbes in a handful of soil. 90% of these microbes are neutral; they don’t affect the soil toward disease or health when left on their own.
However, according to Dr. Higa, in abused or diseased-chemical based soils, 5 to 10% of the overall colony is pathogenic made up of disease causing organisms. They steer the neutral microbes and create low productivity. Some soils are so bad that less than 1% of the organisms are beneficial. The dominant pathogens lead the neutrals into rot, decay and disease with great inefficiency. All we have to do to turn the tables isout number the bad guys with the good guys.
Beneficial and effective microorganisms will take over the helm and direct the neutrals into a balanced productive state. We don’t need to disinfect, rather we co-infect. Overwhelm the bad guys through foliar sprays, soil drenchesand compost treatments. In livestock housing we spraythe bedding,cement and walls. The EM will work to biologically exclude the pathogens as well as minimize methane gasses and ammonia.
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