Thursday, 18 October 2012

Phototropic bacteria – purple non sulfur bacteria

I love photosynthetic bacteria!!
Horay!! After going through lots of trial and errors, eventually i managed to isolate and optimize the enrichment factors of this little unseen creatures -  photosynthetic bacteria!!

If you are a aquatic fish lover/ aquaculture farmer, i believe this page will be helpful to you!

Various 'types' and species of phototropic bacteria that i  isolated from different source after months of efforts.

When people talking of photosynthetic bacteria (Photosynthetic bacteria, referred to as PSB), for those who are familiar with agriculture and aquaculture farming, the first thought come to mind probably is one of the microbes found in the Effective Microbes (EM) community.

Do u know that...
They are believe to be the earliest ever microbes that exist in this earth, supporting and balancing the ecology living of every single living organism!!

What is Photosynthetic bacteria?
Photosynthetic bacteria ( accurately purple bacteria in this context), is gram negative, prokaryotic bacteria, widely distributed in the paddy fields, rivers, oceans and soil in a large class of bacteria. They are single celled microscopic organisms that play a vital role in sustaining the tree of life.

Why is Photosynthetic bacteria?
One of the most powerful microbes in aquaculture farming!!
1) They have multifunctional effects such as powerful improvement of water quality, enhancement of growth rate and prevention of disease!!

2)  These bacteria possess a diversified metabolism, which mean in order to survice, they can adapt themselves to become: phototropic, photoheterotropic, chemotropic and chemoheterotrophic. (Well, I understood that the above statement looks confusing especially for those still new in microbiology, but for sure is another big and great topic. I guess I probably will create another new post purposely to cover the topics.)
In a simple way, these bacteria can withstand harsh environment, grow with or without oxygen, grow in the sunlight, inorganic compounds, or organic compounds for energy; it can acquire carbon source from either carbon dioxide fixation or complicated organic compounds.

Such as amazing superior microbes!! Trust me, the more you discover it, the more you love it!

Well, ‘Photosynthetic bacteria’ is a big term of genus classification, just as human, we have Asian, European, African..Ok, to make it simple, phototropic bacteria generally (up to date) were divided into 4 groups based on it’s
a) Photosynthetic pigment system, b) the ability to use sulfur as electron donor
1) Rhodospirillaceae (Rhodospirillaceae or purple non-sulfur bacteria Division)
2) Chromatiaceae (red sulfur bacteria Branch)
3) Chlorobiaceae (green sulfur bacteria Branch)
4) Chloroflexaceae (gliding filamentous green sulfur bacteria Branch)

My experiment to optimize the medium for Rhodopseudomonas palustris, (1,2) Rhodobacter Sphaeroides (3,4). Generally, the reddish the colour change, the higher the concentration cfu/ml.

chlorobium tepidum- green sulfur bacteria, that I obtained it accidentally.

The genus of of interested- Rhodospirillaceae (Purple non sulfur bacteria), currently are getting more and more attention of scientist, specifically for its incredible ability in waste water treatment and aquaculture farming. The spesies of popular would be  be Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Rubrivivax gelatinosa, Rhodobacter capsulata, R. spaheroides, Phaeospirillum fulvum. ( Those spesies that live inside EM). The common features are having flagellar movement, does not generate the bubbles, the cells do not accumulate sulfide.

Nowadays, using PNSB as probiotics is common practice in many fish or shellfish hatcheries and farms in China and Taiwan. However in Malaysia, this is not that common!!

Instead of using homemade PNSB products, many farmers today are using concentrated and encapsulated commercial photosynthetic bacterial products. Many commercial photosynthetic bacterial products are labeled as either single or multiple species at concentrations higher than 109 ml−1, and are often combined with growth promoters or conditioners, and are claimed to have multifunctional effects such as improvement of water quality, enhancement of growth rate and prevention of disease.

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